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    Your Phone Number

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    Event Title

    Event Date (please remember the event must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the event

    Dates to Run the Announcement



    Please explain the event in detail. Please give us as much information as you can. This will help us to create the announcement.

    If you have any documents that you want to allow Catholic Radio to review please submit here.

    Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Catholic Radio in SC is a 501 (c)(3) educational broadcast charity and must comply with all FCC regulations regarding public service announcements or PSAs. Therefore, Catholic Radio in SC retains the right of final approval for all PSAs including format, content, and any other creative mechanisms used in the production thereof. Submitting a PSA online does not guarantee your PSA will be aired. If you have any further questions about our PSA guidelines or the rules by which Catholic Radio in SC must abide, please call the office (864) 877-8458.
