July 21, 2010

Annual Meeting of The American Academy of Fertility Care Professionals

Catholic Radio in South Carolina presents the 29th Annual Meeting of The American Academy of Fertility Care Professionals. Hosted by the AAFCP and Creighton University School of Medicine, the conference theme is “Fertility Care: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Truth.” This year’s meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Greenville, South Carolina, features speakers and presentations about infertility, natural family planning, chastity, and the latest developments from the Pope Paul the VI Institute for the study of Human Reproduction. The following interviews include frank discussions of human sexuality and associated issues thereof. Our purpose is to present Catholic Teaching on these sensitive matters. The topic being discussed over the next hour may not be appropriate for younger children. Mediatrix Radio asks parents to consider this possibility while making a decision of when or where to listen to this show. And now, Mediatrix radio presents….“Fertility Care: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Truth.” You’ve been Listening to Catholic Radio in South Carolina’s presentation of….“Fertility Care: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Truth.” If you would like to hear this program again, you can listen to it on our web site: www dot catholic radio INSC dot com. Go to the programming […]
April 28, 2010

BSA 2010 Catholic Jamboree

The Catholic Committee on Scouting held a Jamboree for the Province of Atlanta which includes the dioceses of Charleston, Charlotte, Savannah, Atlanta, and Raleigh. Approximately 800 scouts attended the Camp Barstow event. Catholic Radio in South Carolina recorded interviews during this weekend and will broadcast an hour-long special presentation on Friday, May 14 at 3 pm, Saturday, May 15 at noon, and Monday, May 17 at 5 pm. The show will also be available as a podcast on Itunes and as a free download on our website www.catholicradioinsc.com after the first public airing in the local programs section. Listeners will learn more about scouting as a youth ministry as well as the uniquely Catholic nature of the recent Jamboree. For more information on Catholic scouting, the committee’s web site is www.nccs-bsa.org/.